
This is the act of applying color or a pigment to a surface. Painting involves the process and result of the action. When painting, one can use brushes or sponges to apply the paint or ink. Painting has become a very important form in the visual arts leading to drawing and gestures have an exposure.

The oldest painting is estimated to be 40,000 years’ old which was found in Europe and the Cave paintings approximated to be 43,000 years’ old. The discovery of photography had a big impact on painting since it acted as a source of record to the observable world.

Elements of Painting

Color and Tone

Color it is not only highly subjective, but also has observable effects which are psychological. The view of colors being highly subjective it is as a result of colors adding to the potential and context meanings.

Artists choose to work with the mother color since it can be broken into intensity, hue and value. Each color has its endless variety of tones whereby you can mix it with neutral paints to conform its tone however you’d like.


Line is the thin mark made by a brush. The line aids in implication of things such as movement. All painters use transversal lines and orthogonal lines to add dimension to their piece.


Space it is a very critical element in painting and it can be used to have a positive impact on paintings Negative space it is the area of painting around it whereas the positive space is the main area itself.


Texture of the paints can be a challenge to most of the painters, since some paints especially oils can be thicker and the moment they will be applied on a canvas, it can give more work depth led by the texture of the paint.


Shape it is an enclosed part that has been brought about lines meeting. Every art or painting includes the element of shape. However, shape can either be organic or geometric.


This is the painting arrangements which are considered during painting. They include balance. Movement, focus, pattern and contrast.


Rhythm it is important same as it is in music. The pauses that has been put into the sequence allows the creatives to add new creations such as coloration.

Aesthetics and Theory

Aesthetics is the act of studying beauty and art. The objective of art seeks to catch your attention and keeping it intact.

Painting Media

Paints are differentiated by the media that has suspended the pigment. Oil painting it is the act of painting pigments that are suspended in a medium of oil. This technique was used in the early days in Europe and later it was adopted to be the basic medium in creating paint art works since it was very advantageous.

Pastel involves painting in form of a stick. The type of pigments used in Pastel are similar to those used in other art media such as oil paints. Since the surface of the pastel painting can be easily smudged, it is preserved by framing under glass or else it can be sprayed with a fixative.

Acrylic painting involves use of acrylic emulsion which dries very fast and it can be diluted with water but eventually become water-proof once it has dried. Acrylic painting it is very unique since its drying time is less than any other form of painting.

Watercolor involves suspending the pigments in a water-soluble vehicle. The most common support in this kind of painting it is the papyrus, plastics and bark papers.

Ink paintings are practically done with a liquid that has dyes and it is used to color a surface to produce a design. It is normally used for drawing with pen and its components serve many functions such as colorants and additives.

Hot wax involves using heated bees wax on to which the pigments are colored, then the liquid is later applied to a surface either a wood or canvas. This kind of technique was used in the Ancient Greek and it remained as a tradition in Eastern Orthodox.

Fresco is usually done in walls or on ceilings. This technique consists of applying the pigment on a thin wet plaster. The pigment has to be mixed with egg to act as a binding medium to attach the pigment solution to the wall.

Gouache it is similar to watercolor but the difference that comes in is that the particles are large and the ratio of pigment to water is high. The pigment is designed to be applied on an opaque surface.

Enamel it is a painting made with powdered glass for decoration purposes.

Spray paint it is a method of painting that involves a container full of paint is released in fine spray leaving a smoothly and even painted surface. It is common since it is fast and its permanence its legit.

Tempera painting consists of painting the colored pigment that has been mixed with a soluble binder. The paintings are long lasting because of the binder used to paint them.

Types of Painting

The following are the different types of painting:

  • Allegory (use of pictures and representation)
  • Bodegon
  • Figure Painting
  • Illustration (using books, posters)
  • Landscape (illustrates natural scenery such as valleys, hills)
  • Portrait (it represents a person’s face and the expressions)
  • Still Life
  • Veduta

Benefits of Painting

  • Painting boosts creativity in the creative world. It makes the artists to create something unique and interesting hence revealing their expression and motivations.
  • It helps in concentration and healing. Painting has aided in disrupting minds from the surroundings creating more concentration since all energy has been put on what’s being created.
  • Sharpens Skills
  • Painting has helped us appreciating Culture and Art.
  • Self-Knowledge
  • Painting is fun, we socialize, learn and get motivated to pursue the passion for something great.

Painting Tools

  1. You should have a wall cleaner since a dirty one would prevent from causing the paint to color up.
  2. Must have printers tape
  3. Must have quality brushes
  4. Rollers
  5. Paintbrush Cleaner
  6. Clear plastic bucket
  7. Sturdy ladder

Painting Rules

  • The following are rules that you should never break:
  • Avoid any lead paint.
  • Don’t skimp. Get high quality paints
  • Get the right tools
  • Wait for the favorable weather to paint
  • Cover everything else since splatter can occur.
  • Paint using the recommended techniques


Painting has become a very important asset in establishing a foundation for art since it is fun and therapeutic. Painting sharpens skills as well as helps us to pursue the passion of becoming great artists.

Additionally, in this article, it has stated various elements of painting such as color and composition which will aid in guiding to have great painting experience.